Israel Forever

Shalom friends,

This week Israel will mark Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day. Do you know why Yom Hashoah is not on the same day as International Holocaust Memorial Day?

The Israeli date was chosen to emphasize the place of the Holocaust in the story of the Jewish people. We do this by first celebrating Passover. One week later, we mark Holocaust Memorial Day. Exactly one week after that is Memorial Day for IDF soldiers and victims of terrorism. The following day is a joyful celebration, Israel’s Independence Day.

This pattern is deliberate. The message is very clear. The exodus from slavery to freedom is an ongoing journey. As we acknowledge during the Passover Seder: “In every generation [enemies] rise up against us, to destroy us, and every time God saves us from their hands.”

In other words, our very existence is a miracle.

The Israel Forever Holocaust and Hatikvah initiative was designed to provide resources for Yom Hashoah, to facilitate teaching the lessons of the Holocaust and make them relevant today but even more so, to highlight the hope, Hatikvah, within the horror.

This is our strength. As we remember the darkness, we strive to be the light and proudly declare: “Am Yisrael Chai! The Nation of Israel LIVES!”

Am Yisrael Chai!

The Holocaust, Miracles and Revenge
By Forest Rain Marcia

What is the connection between Passover, the Holocaust, memorial days in Israel and revenge?

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Flame of Life: Text Based Art
By Stefanie Heideman

This Israel Forever activity is designed to facilitate the discussion on the meaning of the Holocaust and how to keep the memory of the Jewish Holocaust alive.

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Holocaust Memory Continues, but Knowledge is Fading
By Dr. Elana Yael Heideman

The Holocaust is discussed and commemorated in memorial days and yet knowledge is fading. How do we pass on understanding of the Holocaust, its meaning and lessons after there are no more survivors left to teach us? Dr Elana Heideman provides questions that, if answered, will help each of us attain deeper knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust.

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Remembering Elie Wiesel

Elie Wiesel was one of the clearest voices there were, reminding us to remember the darkness but, at the same time, to strive for the light. With his passing, it is important to remember his example and take on the duty of being the voice for those who were murdered and those who suffered but survived.

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Memories Of The Death Marches Holocaust Memorial Ceremony

This is one example of a Holocaust Memorial Ceremony you can hold in your community.

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