Shalom friends,
Fun is near, ‘cause Purim is here!
Many of our holidays conjure up images of serious events, sit down ceremonial dinners, and prayers. Purim, while marking a very serious event (what could be more serious than the attempted genocide of the Jewish people?), is a more kid-friendly holiday, full of fun, games, costumes, and sweets.
It is exactly this fun atmosphere that makes Purim the perfect opportunity to pass on the legacy of our People, in an interactive, exciting way.
We’ve worked hard to bring to you the perfect balance between thought provoking readings, costume ideas, and fun activities to spark the holiday mood. Purim is not just for kids, it’s an inspiring holiday that is very relevant to our modern-day experiences – but the best way to address that is by everyone having a fun time.
Am Yisrael Chai! THAT is a fantastic reason to celebrate!

Be sure to scroll down to view our Purim activities. They are appropriate for all ages and are perfect for individual or group settings.
Purim: Much More Than Hamantaschen and Costumes By Forest Rain Marcia
Purim is a fun holiday but how relevant is something that happened approximately in 357 BCE? Very. Here’s why.
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The Heroes of Purim By Justin Amler
Purim is the story of how one person can make a difference. It is the story of how the miracles of life do not always reveal themselves in the splendor of thunder and lighting, but rather in the quietness of simple events that lead to unimaginable results. Purim is the story of Israel.
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Heroes of Israel Purim Costume Ideas*
When we choose our Purim costume, why not be inspired by heroes of Israel? Israel Forever has gathered a number of examples of heroes you can choose to dress up as this Purim. Teach your kids about the heroes of the Jewish People and stand out from the crowd with a unique costume!
*Including an inclusive costume idea!
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Purim arts By Stefanie Heideman
Haman had a three cornered hat, and Israel Forever has created 4 interactive Purim projects to get the creative juices flowing and have some pure holiday fun. These are great group activities.
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8 Ways to Show Israelis You Care, Purim Style
Purim is a special time in the Jewish calendar. It is a is time of celebration, joy, costumes and for some drinking too much. But it is also about the mitzvah of giving to others, giving back and increasing joy for our fellow Jew.
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Purim gives us the opportunity to flip our routine, our inhibitions, our egos, our judgments on their heads. And maybe, just maybe, when we are all upside down, the illusions of barriers that separate us will fall away and what is usually hidden – our truest, deepest selves – will come forth and we will be able to see the hidden sparks of light in every one. May we all be able to connect to the deepest truths of Purim and see the oneness that exists around us every day.

Purim Sameach from Israel Forever!
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