Shalom friends,
In the 2 years since the passing of Elie Wiesel Z"L, we see the waning of Holocaust Memory. We are witness to a rise of hatred against Jews, parallel to a growing apathy bordering on antagonism towards the rights of Jews both in their sovereign state and abroad. We are seeing division among our own people, and many are feeling confusion over how to defend Jewish rights and protect our future.
In the 2 years since the passing of Elie Wiesel, we see just how much of an impact his presence had on the world - for in his absence, we already struggle against the implications of the potential fading of his voice.

As we come upon the yahrtzeit of the passing of Eliezer ben Shlomo Z”L, 26 Sivan, let us all consider, as we sit with our families and friends at our Shabbat tables, or converse with others anytime, anywhere, what role we play as a voice, a leader, a carrier of memory, a Link in the Chain making an impact on the future for Israel and our Jewish People.
Shabbat Shalom עושה שלום עלינו ועל כל ישראל
Memory Leading Memory: Lessons I learned from Elie Wiesel
Elie Wiesel is considered to be the proverbial “conscience of the world,” having gained fame through his determination to protect Holocaust memory and to fight for Jewish and human rights wherever and whenever necessary. Now it is our responsibility to take up the task of memory, as Elie taught us, to speak truth to power and to hold power accountable to truth.
Great Leaders Speak With Courage
Elie Wiesel was a great leader. He had many qualities that made him a great man but it was his courage to speak, even when it was inconvenient, knowing the importance of speaking, particularly when it is difficult, that made him a great leader. We are left with his example, it is up to us to remember and emulate.
Polin: Diary of an Ambassador’s Journey
Elie Wiesel once said that without memory there is no culture. The memory we inherited throughout this journey we shall carry with us to the end of our days, and hopefully pass on to future generations so that they may share and carry on for eternity. This is a small glimpse into the journey of memory and teaching Israel Forever’s Executive Director Dr. Elana Heideman took with Ambassador Ron Dermer.
Memory, Defiance and Hope: Why We Keep Marching
“I feel a defiant pride knowing that the Thousand-year Reich that tried to uproot the tree of our people is no more, and that that tree has been replanted in its ancient soil, where it grows taller and stronger, decade after decade, reaching greater and greater heights…” Read the inspiring speech Ambassador Ron Dermer made during the March of the Living
Holocaust memory continues, but knowledge is fading
The Holocaust is discussed and commemorated in memorial days and yet knowledge is fading. How do we pass on understanding of the Holocaust, its meaning and lessons after there are no more survivors left to teach us? Dr Elana Heideman provides questions that, if answered, will help each of us attain deeper knowledge and understanding of the Holocaust.
