Shalom friends,
The Maccabees lived in Judea and fought for the right to retain Jewish identity and freedom.
When AirBnb denies Jews the right to advertise their business if they live in Judea, home of the Maccabees, the land which gave the Jewish people our name, it is obvious that antisemitism and erasure of Jewish history are becoming normalized and ingrained in the popular culture.
Today we are the Maccabees, each of us, in our own way. As we celebrate our past, let us think about the future and how we can teach the truth, make sure our children are strong in their Jewish identity and feel able to stand up for Jewish rights and freedom.

It is now easier than ever to add some Taste of Israel recipes to your Chanukah meals! Don't let the fried food stop you - this is the holiday to consume delicious Levivot, Sufganiyot and more!

Interested in inspiring others to start Cooking Israel with Kids for Chanukah? Print and Share this flier with your friends, family, community leaders and educators!
Just as Chanukah encourages us to annually rekindle the lights of the Maccabees, so too shall we endeavor to continuously reignite our connection to Israel and take action to ensure that Israel is FOREVER!
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