Shalom friends,
The connection to Israel for young Jews is often the subject of articles, analysis and polls, fostering the growing assumption of a “disconnect.” Most recently the issue of truth and bias took center stage with the manipulative antics of extremist views in relation to Birthright, spearheaded by the anti-Israel movements of Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow whose #BirthrightNotJustAFreeTrip campaigns has become a hot topic for discussion, debate and, sadly, more confusion for many young Jews.
The Israel Forever interns who have joined our team this summer provide an excellent example of the importance of the programs that bring Diaspora Jews for meaningful experiences in our homeland. Their stories underscore the necessity of helping them get a better understanding of their Jewish identity and their relationship to Israel regardless of whether or not they are able to make the journey.
Even those who had the benefit of growing up in Jewish communities in the United States and participated in Birthright or other excellent programs display a disturbing lack of familiarity with their own heritage and little or skewed information about the Jewish State, having only been exposed to the versions of Israel displayed on the media – both mainstream and social platforms.
We are proud of our interns, who are making incredible strides in honing their professional skills as well as acquiring a deep-seated understanding of their Jewish identity and relationship with Israel. What would have happened had they not been adamant on seeing Israel for themselves? If they had been enticed by the anti-Israel movements that are so dominant in every realm of campus and young professional life? Our goal is to provide a go to source where Jews everywhere can get their own “Israel experience” even if they do not have the ability to travel to the Jewish State.
We hope you will enjoy this second installation of the our interns’ stories as well as resources to help you learn about and teach others what is happening in Israel now, in a facts-based, a-political manner. Share this with your friends, colleagues, community leaders and educators, your Birthright leaders and organizers, alumni and parents. Help them see that Israel Forever is the answer to making sure that the connection to our history, heritage and homeland can be made real, personal and meaningful through Israel Forever - today, and every day.

What’s a Jew? A religion? An ethnicity? A culture? And what does Israel mean for me? Israel Forever intern Aubrie Jaworowski takes us on her journey to her Jewish identity.
Israel Forever intern Eric Blatt describes how he didn’t experience that magical spark many describe connecting them to Israel. It was only when he took a second look, without expectations, that he found his Israel connection.
Israel Forever intern Marshall Ivler describes what made him realize that “living Jewishly” was not the same as having a strong Jewish identity and that having a firm grasp on identity and connection to the heritage of the Nation of Israel is of vital important.
Yisrael Medad takes a closer look at IfNotNow's new Stay-After-Birthright campaign with its "Ask Us" theme. This is an important breakdown of alternative facts and how lack of knowledge damages the Jewish community.
At times of conflict between Gaza and Israel the media seems inundated with material on the subject but at the same time it is very difficult to get a clear and straightforward picture about what is actually happening. Israel Forever has put together teaching resources to clarify the confusing as well as facilitate effective discussion on this subject.
We’ve achieved a lot this year and we couldn’t have done any of it without YOU! Please be a part of making sure Israel is FOREVER in the hearts and lives of every Jew and help us continue doing what we do best!