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The eerie calm of the ceasefire gives those of us in Israel a small space to breathe. It allows all of us, wherever we may be in the world, to take stock, to seek understanding, and to continue to hope for the future.

From near and far, we share in common our prayers for peace - for Israel and for all Jews everywhere, and that the looming fire of hate shall subside.

Shabbat Shalom from Israel Forever,

and Am Yisrael Chai!

Little Things: Israel's Art of Survival

The bombs may not be falling today, but it is still a life during wartime. We survive. We even thrive. But we are affected. In invisible ways that we can feel, even if we can never really put words to them. We are surrounded by hatred, and it fills our ears, even when it doesn’t reach our hearts.

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Knowing Fear: Not a Spectator Sport

3 seconds. 15 seconds. 14 years. The residents of Southern Israel have had enough. Whether in Israel or around the world, it is our responsibility to listen, to understand, and to seek better ways of making a difference - for them, for their children, and for the future of Israel.

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Three Generations of Defending Israel

While Western hypocrisy about the conflict between Israel and Hamas eats away at my heart, I believe, as I always have, in the strength of Israel. A disabled IDF veteran and a victim of Nazi persecution, I see again the silence of the world allowing another atrocity against our people. This time, let nobody EVER again ask, "why didn't they resist, why didn't they fight back."

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Saferoom Art

Art speaks the language of human expression. The pain and trauma of war haunts Israeli citizens long after the current crisis. Just as we seek shelter from the barrage of rockets, we are equally in search of a safe space that provides an escape from the fear, confusion and anxiety of war.

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