Israel Forever

Shalom friends,

Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Grandparents’ Day, Siblings’ Day, Secretaries Day, Teacher’s Day… Amazing how many days have been selected to focus on the important individuals in our lives. But unique to Israel is our Yom HaMishpacha - a day to honor the family unit, as a whole, and its centrality to our lives.

Israel is a land of many achievements but the most precious is our families - the representation of past, present and future generations in one unit. Nothing is valued higher than laughing children and a healthy family.

Join us in celebration the family of Israel, in all its shapes and sizes.

Mothers at the Heart of the Family Day
By Dr. Elana Yael Heideman

Unique to Israel is Yom HaMishpacha - a day to honor the family unit, as a whole, and its centrality to our lives.

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A Brit and a Wedding – Expanding the Tribe of Israel
By Forest Rain Marcia

Our tribe is unusual. We are bound to each other, individuals and community. We are bound to God, as individuals, and as a nation. And Jerusalem pulses through our veins and memory, binding it all together.

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Park Chaverim Raanana: Inclusion, Because That’s What Friends Do
By Judi Felber

Park Chaverim (Friendship Park) is Israel's first fully inclusive and accessible playground is a model for many other inclusion parks around the world. The park area is fun for ALL children irrespective of ability. Because of that, ALL kids of ALL abilities play TOGETHER.

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A Nation Connected By Fishing Line
By Lisa Brink

What people have to understand, are the everyday acts of kindness, the opportunity to truly live your Judaism, and the unrivaled sense of community that are the true currency of this unique nation.

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What Do We Mean When We Say, “We are All Israel”?
By Dr. Elana Yael Heideman

We are living proof that what we inherit as a nation has the potential to bind us together. To overcome our differences, and to remain connected and engaged - with each other, with our land, and with our destiny.

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Write, draw, sketch, or paint images, words and pictures of friendship, strength, and solidarity to people living in Israel. Soldiers, people with special needs, Holocaust survivors, children in hospitals--everyone appreciates a Letter of Friendship.

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