Shalom friends,
Jews have long been known as the "People of the Book." We are also the people of MANY books - from romantic Zionist novels to archaeological histories of our ancestral homeland and from ideological debates to memoirs of our leaders, pioneers and immigrants, there is most certainly no shortage of books on the many facets of our land, the Land of Israel.
The hard part is: Where to start?
Israel Forever’s collection of specially chosen books is a way for you to journey to Israel and meet the Israeli spirit, landscape, culture, traditions, passion, and chutzpah from the comfort of your home.
Through Reading Israel, we hope to inspire, connect, and engage through discussion questions, book review, and other supplementary content for personal or communal exploration.

What have you been reading? Let us know what we should add to our growing virtual library.
Get Started Reading Israel By Dr. Elana Yael Heideman
Perusing the shelves of possible literary escapes, you might be surprised to learn not only how many books about Israel or by Israeli authors are out there to enjoy, but how many others around the world share your same interest in exploring the history, culture, and life of the Jewish State.
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Herzl: Theodor Herzl and the foundation of the Jewish State By Shlomo Avineri
The first biography in more than a generation of the father of modern political Zionism and in effect the state of Israel. Drawing extensively on his diaries as well as his published works, this intellectual biographical follows Herzl's transformation from a private person into the founder and leader of a political movement which made the quest for a Jewish state into a player in international politics.
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Reclaiming Israel's History: Roots, Rights, and the Struggle for Peace By David Brog
One of the greatest threats to Israel today is the spread of a false narrative claiming that Israel is an oppressor, an occupier, and the obstacle to peace. These lies inspire terrorists to murder and doom the prospects of peace. David Brog's important new book, Reclaiming Israel's History, tells Israel’s story in a way that dissects and destroys these lies.
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In the Sands of Sinai By Dr. Itzhak Brook
Explore the personal reflection of one man serving in the Israel Defense Forces during the Yom Kippur War, the physical and psychological realities his soldiers had to cope with, the effect of religion on the soldiers, the cost of war in human life and suffering, and the daily struggle for survival in a difficult war which threatened Israel’s existence.
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The Gilboa Iris By Zahava D. Englard
The Gilboa Iris is a blazing tale of romance, deceit and international intrigue. Its rich characters and explosive plot take readers from Israel’s Gilboa Mountains to the streets of New York, to Germany’s Zehlendorf Forest, and back to Israel amid seminal events that rocked the world between 1983 and 2002.
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