Shalom friends,
While we look back at the anniversary of the first draft of the Balfour Declaration and the journey of the Exodus ship full of Holocaust survivors intent on freedom in their ancestral homeland - Israel is again under attack.
For the last three months Israel has been under fire - from daily arson terror attacks and intermittent barrages of missiles from Hamas in Gaza. This past weekend we saw some 200 missiles rain down on the communities of southern Israel. This week, while for the moment the missiles have ceased, the arson terror attacks delivered by kite and balloon, have not.
Jewish sovereignty in our ancestral homeland is not something that was easily achieved and is something that we must constantly fight to maintain. There is no room for “resting on the laurels” of all that the Jewish State has achieved or take for granted the idea that Israel is FOREVER.
In 1917, with the help of the Zionist movement, the British government drafted what became known as the Balfour Declaration, the first ever public recognition of Jewish right to our homeland by a national government.

Just 30 years later, over 4,000 Holocaust survivors journeyed on the Exodus ship in hopes of entering the land of Israel. When the ship docked in Haifa, the British government turned them away and did not them access to the land they had previously affirmed belonged to the Jewish people.
101 years ago our right to our Jewish homeland was affirmed globally, and 71 years ago that same right was denied by the very government who proclaimed it. International recognition of Jewish rights to our ancestral homeland is important and cannot be revoked. In regards to international law, the previous law takes precedence over any desire to revoke it.
It is important to recognize that international recognition is a recognition of reality, not the creation of reality. There is no law, declaration or circumstance that can change the Jewish connection to the land in which our people originated.
It is up to us to make sure that Israel is FOREVER, it will not happen by itself.
You can make a difference by arming yourself with the knowledge of our history and our heritage, passing it on to the next generations and being proactive in your support of the only Jewish State.
Constant attempts are made to undermine the legitimacy of the Jewish State. The Balfour Declaration itself is under attack as the source for creating Israel as a “colonialist” state. It is up to us to make sure history is not rewritten. Knowing the facts is the only way to protect our future.