Shalom friends,
Israel has just reached her 70th birthday. Today we are 100 years after the Balfour Declaration, 98 years after the San Remo Conference, 70 years after the re-establishment of the Jewish State of Israel. Yet, there are many who question Jewish rights to the Land.
Jewish rights to the land of Israel can be viewed through a number of lens:
- Indigenous rights – the people who are indigenous to the land have the rights to the land
- Historical / biblical rights – religious documentation and tradition backed up by archeological findings spell out ancient rights to the land
- Legal rights – international law and the precedents set by said law dictate legal rights
Other, often overlooked, methods of determining rights to land are conquest (wars won, land paid for in blood) and custodianship (caring for, nurturing, and developing the land). Each aspect can be answered, but it is necessary to have the historical knowledge to do so.
Why You Should Know San Remo By Dan Adler
There is a misconception that the Balfour Declaration was just a letter of intent, and not a binding legal document. The reason for this misconception is that most people are not aware of the San Remo Conference, which took place on April 19, 1920, lasted for seven days, and published its resolutions on April 25, 1920. These seven days laid the political foundation for the creation of the 22 Arab League States and the one and only Jewish State of Israel.
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San Remo's Mandate: Israel's 'Magna Carta'
In April 1920, the San Remo Conference laid the political foundation for the creation of the 22 Arab League States and the one and only Jewish State of Israel. The full text of the Balfour Declaration became an integral part of the San Remo resolution and the British Mandate for Palestine, thereby transforming it from a letter of intent into a legally-binding foundational document under international law.
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Here’s How We’re Getting It Wrong on the "Israeli-Palestinian" Conflict By Gregg Roman
The "Israeli-Palestinian" conflict is absolutely a conflict between an oppressed people fighting every day for the freedom to live in their ancestral and indigenous homeland against settlers and occupiers – but not in the way international media would have you believe.
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A Jewish Right to a Jewish Land By Rabbi Lazer Gurkow
Had the UN given us California, we would not have gone. Had the Jewish people defeated the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto, they would not have claimed that land. Jews would only leave their homes and businesses for the Holy Land, given us by God. The land whose loss we never stopped mourning and for whose shores, we never stopped yearning. No other land would do.
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Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine under International Law By Howard Grief
Howard Grief explains the legal rights and title of sovereignty of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel and Palestine under international law.
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We are not Jews because our religion is Judaism. We are Jews because our people come from Judea.

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