Shalom friends,
This is a historic time in Israel. We just celebrated Israel’s 70th Independence Day and 51 years since the reunification of Jerusalem, Israel won the Eurovision and America has officially moved the embassy to Israel’s eternal capital - Jerusalem.
As Israel rises in prominence and Jewish sovereignty is fulfilled in its various expressions, resistance to Israel rises. This is not a reaction to new events, or “political backlash” but a continuation of the age-old battle – antisemitism, often veiled as anti-Zionism.
Now, more than ever, it is time to arm ourselves with knowledge so that we can effectively respond to expressions of Antisemitism and be sure that our people are ready for the next 4000 years.

Anti-Zionism is the New Antisemitism By Forest Rain Marcia
Anti-Zionism is the new antisemitism, rebranded. This is how you make the unpalatable sell.
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As a Jewish student, I feel unsafe on my campus By Lilia Gaufberg
I feel unsafe that, in a supposedly safe space focused on oppression due to identity, I feel oppressed because of my identity.
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When Feminists Were Zionists By Gil Troy
The tactic of attacking Zionism under the guise of feminism is not new but when it began, feminists still stood strong publicly as proud Zionists.
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Activity: Zionism, feminism & my Jewish identity
What is Zionism? Feminism? What do these concepts have to do with my Jewish identity?
The following activity was designed to develop new understanding regarding the terms Zionism, Feminism and the connection between them. This is a group activity, suited for teenagers and older, girls and boys, women and men.
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Antizionism is Antisemitism
Seven defining thought pieces on anti-Zionism and Antisemitism
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We are stronger together. There is nothing more powerful that you can say than: “You are not alone.” Reach out to an Israeli with a letter (or drawing!) of friendship.
