Shalom friends,
Tu B'Shevat higiya, chag la'Ilanot! Tu B'Shevat has arrived, the "New Year of the trees!"
As the trees of the Land of Israel draw strength through their roots, enabling them to bloom, we celebrate the holiday and honor our roots that connect between us, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael.
Art is a beautiful and intuitive way to pass on this connection to the next generations. Join Israel Forever’s own Arts and Education Specialist, Stefanie Heideman, in four engaging Tu B’Shevat projects designed strengthen the ties between our families, the Seven Species and Israel.
We’d love to see what you create! Send us photos of your art and we’ll share them so others can be inspired as well.
Happy Tu B’Shevat!

Deepening our roots through art
Celebrate your connection to Israel this Tu B'Shevat!

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