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We have but one little space in the world
where, even under the threat of terror, Jews can be protected, where we can feel as one, where we will never lose hope.

We are honored to feature London Kray's new song and video, dedicated to the people of Israel, as we all pray for peace in our little space, our one and only Jewish State.

Even from miles away, the lessons, the words, the support and expressions of solidarity make a difference.

Lessons I've Learned in This War on Terror

Sirens, sadness, shock, solidarity. Personal experiences and collective grief. Hope amidst fear. There is no shortage of life lessons for Israelis living under attack, which stay with us long after the war has ended.

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The Importance of Being an American Jew

How does a woman who is half Ashkenazi, half Sephardic, part Israeli, part Brit, living in America contend with her love for Israel from far away? She finds meaning in every word, every action, every song.

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Comfort or Agony? Facebook Fights and Friends

We must support each other and give each other love and strength as the Jewish People are, once again, facing terrible times, and this is the only way we can get through it. Our words do, indeed, have power.

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Why You are There

To the lone soldiers of the IDF, and to all those who seek to understand the selfless commitment of young men and women who soldier on for our Jewish nation.

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