Inspiring Interns
Here's what our inspiring interns have to say about how their experiences working with Israel Forever had an impact on their life.

I could tell from that first meeting that being an intern with Israel Forever was to be a meaningful learning experience that would enable me to take these wants and make them a reality. I finally felt that this deep passion I carry around inside of me can be actualized and channeled in a productive way. I felt I had been invited into such a unique way of making a difference for Israel and for the people of the world who support her. I felt honored to be welcomed so warmly.

Looking back at all of the internships that I've had, interning for the IFF was one of my favorite. Not only did I spend every day with people who cared so passionately about Israel like I did, I was taught a tremendous amount about what it means to be professional in the workplace. From the first day of my internship, I was given the freedom and flexibility to write about topics that I truly cared about while being taught how to write in different styles (blogs, pamphlets, opinion editorials, etc). My favorite part about interning was working with Heidi, Ariana, and Elana to write about one of my favorite people in Jewish history, Theodore Herzl. The three of them worked with me to create a pamphlet that explained how Herzl came up with the Zionist movement to the actual implementation of his vision. In short, if you're considering taking an internship at it. Not only will you learn from amazing individual on how to improve your writing, you'll be surrounded by people who care deeply about Israel.
In my opinion, this why the work at Israel Forever is so important since it helps everyone deepen their connection to the country and to their identity as well. I am so glad that I had the opportunity to work at Israel Forever and help the organisation reach its overall mission. It has truly been an amazing experience, which I would recommend to others.

The best thing I've ever done for myself as a student is intern for the Israel Forever Foundation, and I mean that. As someone who doesn't like politics but loves Israel, it allowed me to combine passions of sports and Israel and writing, and many other passions, but still remaining apolitical. I truly learned how to be an advocate for Israel without having to get into the politics, the tough issues, or deal with complicated rhetoric.
Not only that, but I also got to form connections. Not just with the people in the physical office, but the virtual office and the virtual network of fellow Israel supporters. I was able to find people with similar interests and work to develop projects that interested me and then help promote those projects. All as a college student.
I have made it a point to stay in contact with my bosses from IFF because I know two things: one: they are still willing to help me. And two: because the connections I made at IFF will last forever, as long as you make the effort.

While I realized I should head back to the states for my senior year of college, I wanted others to understand my love of Israel, so I began interning with the Israel Forever Foundation. I was so excited and grateful for the journey! The opportunity to learn from international professionals, who not only helped me improve my writing but welcomed me in true Israeli fashion as if they had known me forever.

Going to Israel for the first time was as much a nerve-wracking experience as it was exhilarating. I was more than apprehensive of what I was going to experience there; the prospect of a full-time internship with an Israeli organization only added to my anxiety. With that said, I was so incredibly grateful to have found the Israel Forever Foundation and the beautiful team of people who run it. As a fundraising intern, I was given the chance to directly engage with our partners and work on cultivating a personal connection between the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Under the close guidance of individuals such as Dr. Heideman and the rest of the IFF team, I further developed my own professional skills to become the involved, passionate worker I am today. In the process, I found a new home and family not just in Israel itself but also within my Israeli workplace.

I booked my first trip to Israel, traveling by myself, determined to initiate conversations with Israelis in cafes and shops for a fuller portrait of the country than that provided by news outlets in the States. I left Israel knowing that it’s more complex here than anyone in the Diaspora can grasp from their living rooms and that I was in love with the country and the people. I was trying to make a career change into a role where I could work full time on behalf of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. Israel Forever gave me that opportunity.