March Of The Living

Every year, thousands of people gather in Auschwitz-Birkenau to march in remembrance of the murderous Nazi regime that destroyed 6 million Jewish souls.
This powerful experience brings together Jews from around the globe who commit themselves to protect the memory of the dead and carry on the legacy of the survivors whose experiences offer a glimpse into the painful reality suffered in the ghettos, concentration camps, in hiding, and even in liberation as they found themselves to be but a mere remnant of a once-thriving European Jewish world.

The Israel Forever Foundation has been a supporter of the work of the March of the Living for several years, for we have a shared commitment to the legacy of Holocaust memory and Jewish life that we are determined to carry on to future generations. Executive Director of The Israel Forever Foudnation Dr. Elana Yael Heideman, a Holocaust scholar and long-time educator on the March of the Living, emphasizes that "this partnership embodies the integral bond between Jews around the world, Jewish history and Israel. Contrary to the popular claim that we have Israel because of the Holocaust, the fact is that the Holocaust could not have happened if we had Israel. We must always cherish, and never take for granted, the only Jewish state in the world as a place where Jews can life free in our own land, proud to carry on the long legacy of Jewish identity and pride the victims of the Holocaust once possessed."

This year, we are proud to announce MOTL as a partnering organization for the promotion of Virtual Citizens of Israel™. Each participant on the March will receive a special invitation to declare their pride and commitment to Israel in the memory of the 6 million. They will be encouraged to share the names of their family members or those of friends who either perished or survived, keeping alive the ancient dream of a return to Tzion in the Land of Israel for which so many of them prayed and longed for.
For more information on the March of the Living, visit their homepage at