Flame of Life: Text Based Art

This is an individual activity that can be done with any age group and any amount of participants.
Create your own Flame of Life as a symbol of how you will keep the memory of the Holocaust alive in your heart. This symbol honors the 6 million Jews that were murdered, our family members that could have lived, those that would have been born and be with us today.
- Outline of a yahrzeit memorial candle. Option: print the candle below
- Scissors and glue
- Colors: use crayons, pastels, paint, tissue paper, felt etc - whatever you have available!
- Print an outline of a yahrzeit memorial candle or draw your own candle.
- Cut and paste words related to Yom Hashoah inside the candle, like these:
Alternatively you can write your own words. Choose words that are meaningful to you! - Bring your candle flame to life with anything you have that is a golden yellow &/or orange color to give your candle a fiery glow. Use crayons, pastels, paint, tissue paper (you can crinkle it up and glue it down), felt, etc.
- Write the words WE REMEMBER as big or small and as many times around your page as you want.
- Discuss - this step moves this activity from the realm of intuition to that of conscious thought. What words were chosen to help keep Holocaust memory alive? Why? Why is this important?
Have your artwork featured in our online Israel in My Art gallery! Sign your artwork with your first name and last initial and email it to Stefie@IsraelForever.org
Painting as a part of a class or art group? Send us your selfies and group pics for a shoutout throughout our global Jewish community who loves sharing the Israel connection with their fellow Virtual Citizens of Israel around the world. Follow us social media and you can either post your pic online and tag us in your post or email it directly to Stefie@IsraelForever.org.
Help your students find unique ways you to incorporate the Israeli flag and the flag of the country in which you reside into your drawings as well, so that the world can see the vast number of nationalities of our IFF artists!

Stefanie Jo Heideman, founder of Art Escapades, is an art educator who believes that art is not supposed to be competitive, but rather a peaceful, relaxing experience for one to engage in and enjoy. As the Arts and Education Specialist for Israel Forever, Stefie is able to weave her love of Israel into her projects and lesson plans for individuals of all ages and stages of life.
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