A Night At The Kotel
By Brigitte de Kroon

Wonderful Israel and her equally wonderful, brave people are as much in my son Thomas's heart and prayers as you all are in mine since I took him with me a few years ago to experience, taste and see the modern Miracle of Eretz Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem to Beersheba to Eilat and back again via the Galilee to celebrate Sukkot in the City of David.

On the eve of Simchat Torah we went through to the Kotel. As we made our way through the old city, joyful songs and sounds floated all around us from the open windows and we beheld happy Jerusalemites dancing in their rooms and houses.
When we reached the Plaza, Thomas made his way down to the male enclosure while us girls stayed behind inside the allocated female area.
I watched him while he stopped in front of a circle of dancing and singing Israelis: Orthodox Jews, a few soldiers and a Rabbi with flowing beard, shining eyes and a Torah in his arms.

Suddenly the Rabbi stopped in front of Thomas, handed him his precious Torah and invited him with a great smile to join their exuberant dancing ... and Thomas accepted this honor – with eyes like saucers – and took his place between the Rabbi and a soldier.
They were so nice to him, showing him some Horah steps and encouraged him to sing along with them to the best of his ability - which Thomas surely did in no time flat – albeit in English!