Sobar in Jerusalem
Q&A with Tracey Shipley, founder of the Sobar Music Center
Q: What is Sobar?
A: A Sober Bar that is a live music club and music center for teens and young adults in downtown Jerusalem.
Q: That sounds awesome! With many bars, cafes, and clubs, what is your specific contribution to the city center’s scene?
A: Our goal is to provide a safe yet exciting venue and learning center for youth without the dangers of the bar scene which is so enticing to them in downtown Jerusalem.
Q: Why focus on Jerusalem?
A: Jerusalem is the center of the world, the heart and soul of the Jewish people and my home. The downtown area is extremely concentrated and pulls in thousands of youth late at night every week looking to socialize. They go and often find themselves in dangerous conditions in the bar district. Until today there is not one alternative to the bar scene for these kids.
Q: We understand you are holding events to raise funds and awareness for your cause throughout June. How does it feel to know you are making a change in Jerusalem?
A: It's very exciting and timely. We are convinced that by next year with the opening of the Sobar, Jerusalem will be a safer and more secure place for youth and their families.
Q: I think your cause is amazing for Jerusalem’s teenagers, but why should Jews around the world know about your organization and the mission to keep them safe?
A: Jews from abroad need the Sobar to ensure the safety of the students and young people coming from abroad who frequent downtown Jerusalem.
Q: If there are people that want to donate to your cause how can they support you?
A: People can find the information they need to donate on our website At this point they will be donating to the renovations of the Center.

Tracey Shipley, founder of the Sobar Music Center, is an addiction counselor and creative therapist originally from Florida. She lives in Jerusalem and founded the project to ensure that every teen and young adult in Jerusalem has a safe yet exciting place to go downtown. For more information, click HERE.