Striving for Israel, Forever
By Israel Forever Staff

According to a Pew Research Study, 69 percent of American Jews feel some meaningful level of attachment to Israel. With American Jewry composing around three quarters of the world’s Jewish population outside of Israel, this is a relatively accurate sample of all Jews living in the diaspora.
This figure represents the unflappable unity of Am Yisrael despite headlines such as “The American Jewish Community Is Fracturing. What's Causing It?” or “The Triangle Connecting the U.S., Israel, and American Jewry May Be Coming Apart“, in combination with the upsurge of global anti-Semitism and the rise of BDS activities that we so often read about in the news.
The Israel Forever Foundation fights to spread awareness of our mission, to make the connection to Israel personal through Israel engagement, education and activism - we want you to become a part of this effort.
Today, a growing number of Jews travel to Israel on their own or through various programs, they consume Israeli news and culture, and focus their philanthropy on Jewish causes or charities. These micro-interactions with the State of Israel have created a certain level of intimacy, not necessarily between religious groups, organizations or movements and Israel, but between individuals and the Jewish State.
In The New American Zionism, Theodore Sasson defines this phenomenon - one that many of us have felt or known yet were unable to quantify - as a paradigmatic shift of American Jews from a "mobilization" approach, which first emerged with the new state and focused on supporting Israel through big, centralized organizations, to an "engagement" approach marked by direct and personal relations with the Jewish state.

Since it’s conception, Israel Forever has actively worked to create connections on the basis of engagement and making Israel personal.
With a variety of programs and educational material, presented in a non-denominational and apolitical manner, Israel Forever is a unique concept in the world of Israel-themed organizations and foundations.
Our goal is to create a basis for which Jews - young and old, religious and secular, knowledgeable about Israel or just beginning their education - may build a lasting connection, in their own way, on their own terms to the Jewish state, for themselves, their families, their communities, and for generations to come.

Becoming a part of Israel Forever means investing in the future of your own Israel connection. Through your continued involvement, we are able to expand our programming and initiatives, bringing you the best content and activities to continue building your Ahavat Yisrael.
We encourage all of you to tell friends, family and your community about Israel Forever and how they can create a meaningful attachment to Israel, forever, starting today.