Israel Needs You Online
Michael Dickson, Israel Director for StandWithUs, shares his top 10 tips for pro-Israeli social networks activities and better ways we can all be involved in showing the world the truth about Israel.

Top 10 Tips For Pro-Israel Social Networking Activities
- The key word: empathy. Try and get people to put themselves in the place of Israelis, to understand the challenges they face and the lives they lead. Remind the world that Jewish rights and those of all citizens of the Jewish state matter just like anywhere else in the world.
- Be civil, don’t be polemic, state facts and truth in the way that people can empathize with.
- Not everyone may be focused on Israel as you are – connect to people based on their likes, hobbies and interests and link them to Israel. Don't be discouraged by the lack of posting by your friends, and consider engaging them in personal conversations on topics you think might be of interest to them, but that increase their knowledge about Israel.
- Stress Israel’s centrality to Jews: Israel is the only Jewish nation state, more than 70 years young and 3,000 years old. Israel, and no country, is perfect but we need not apologize for wanting Israel to leave in freedom and peace and for trying to make sure no harm comes to their citizens.
- You don’t need to engage with the Israel-haters. Challenge the lies that are spread online on every platform you can, but remember that your key audience are the ‘undecided’ and ‘unconnected’ people who are watching.
- Some people like countries. All people like people. So add an ‘i’ on the end of Israel and talk online about Israelis – the amazing stories of people who make Israel as incredible as she is, the vibrant democratic culture, the amazing diversity of our society, our food, our schools and networks.
- Hastags (#) are a great way to get your post noticed by people who will be interested. Use simple ones or unique combinations, and even research the best ones in use by others to garner new attention from people just by use of the shared hashtag.
- Images share best. Stunning images of Israel’s landscape, your vacation photos or attractive images of things going on in Israel will appeal to many. Memes are a great way to showcase facts in a short and meaningful combination of images and words!
- When the chips are down, Israel needs you most. When there is a terror attack, a midleading headline, an outright lie - YOU are key to helping increase awareness and protect the truth! Social media often has more credibility than mainstream media so use it to tell Israel’s story, your way.
- There is always something you can do, petitions, polls and posts. This generation has more personal influence than any that has preceeded it and all through virtual engagement. Use it – Israel needs you.. online and in real life!
StandWithUs, a partner organization of Israel Forever, is an international non-profit organization dedicated to informing the population of the world about Israel, and to help fight the hate and anti-Semitism. They have become one of the largest Israel education organizations in the world. Focusing on Israel advocacy training, they have reached millions of followers and students from a wide range of amazing programs that focus on helping college students contend with the increasing challenges of the anti-Israel and anti-Zionist extremism that is on the rise.
Israel Forever + StandWithUs = the perfect compliment to your Israel connection!
Rather than struggle with the endless competition between the organizations big and small, WE KEEP TRYING to find great ways to collaborate to help every Jew in the world feel proud as a Virtual Citizen of Israel and stand up for Jewish rights everywhere and in every way! Interested in learning more or working together? Contact us today!