
Israel Songs

Eretz Yisrael Sheli

Tags: Music, Land and Nature, History, Am Yisrael, Tu B'Shevat

My land of Israel is beautiful and flourishing
Who built and who planted it?
We all did together!

I built a house in the land of Israel 
So we have the land
And we have a home in Eretz Yisrael.

My land of Israel is beautiful and flourishing
Who built and who planted it?
We all did together!

I planted a tree in the land of Israel 
So we have the land 
And we have a house
and we have a tree in Eretz Yisrael.

My land of Israel is beautiful and flourishing
Who built and who planted it?
We all did together!

I paved a road in the land of Israel 
So we have a land
And we have a house
And we have a tree
And we have a Road
in Eretz Yisrael.

My land of Israel is beautiful and flourishing
Who built and who planted it?
We all did together!

I built a bridge in the land of Israel
So we have a land
And we have a house
And we have a tree
And we have a Road
And we have a bridge
in Eretz Yisrael.

My land of Israel is beautiful and flourishing
Who built and who planted it?
We all did together!

I wrote a song about the land of Israel
So we have a land
And we have a house
And we have a tree
And we have a Road
And we have a bridge
And we have a Song
about Eretz Yisrael.

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Tags: Music, Land and Nature, History, Am Yisrael, Tu B'Shevat

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