

Rabbi Sacks on Jerusalem: The 50th Anniversary of Reunification

Tags: Jerusalem, Music, Video, Israel Engagement, Arts and Culture, Religion, People and Society , Rabbi Sacks

As we approach Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day) and the anniversary of the reunification of our beloved city, here are a few thoughts about what Jerusalem means to Rabbi Sacks zt"l.

ככל שאנו מתקרבים ליום ירושלים (יום ירושלים) ואת יום השנה לאיחוד העיר האהובה שלנו, הנה כמה מחשבות על מה ירושלים אומר לי

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Tags: Jerusalem, Music, Video, Israel Engagement, Arts and Culture, Religion, People and Society , Rabbi Sacks

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