Sukkot is a special holiday that holds within its traditions the creation of reminders and symbols that provide insight and help us connect to the messages Sukkot holds for us.
The Sukkah reminds us of our relationship with God and the insecurity of Jewish existence in the galut. The lulav reminds us of the importance of unity between the Nation of Israel – without each of the “species” we are incomplete.
Sukkot is also a holiday of pilgrimage to Jerusalem – although the ancient Jewish Temple no longer stands, many still visit the Temple Mount and the holy city. This is a special reminder of the unbreakable bond between the Nation of Israel and Zion.
Physical activity and creation facilitate an intuitive connection that is harder to attain from theoretical teachings. The activities we offer in this section highlight the messages of Sukkot, creating a fun way to teach children and bring family, friends and community into your holiday traditions.