Your community loves and supports Israel.

We invite you to be a part of a global collaboration to create a living narrative of Israel experiences and stories.
Compile a community-wide memory book or website about what YOUR members love most about Israel.
- Do you remember your first Kotel (Western Wall) experience?
- Was there a place you learned about Israel for the first time that you will never forget?
- If you've been to Israel, what's your favorite memory?
- Where in Israel would you most like to visit?
- What's your favorite Israeli food?
Whether through pictures, stories, drawings, or video clips, everyone holds their memories of Israel
dear to their heart.

Your students will be inspired and inspire others with their own personal reflections. We invite you to share these compilations with us so that we can feature your stories to our global community and illustrate that a solid Israel connection starts at a young age so that it can last a lifetime!
We can teach the value of our individual experiences, woven into the fabric of our collective Jewish identity, with an understanding of how Israel matters.