When we approach the topic of Holocaust remembrance, we always hear the same phrases: “Never Forget”; “Never Again”. But are we keeping those promises?
Only by ensuring everyone understands that hatred and divisiveness were at the foundation of the Holocaust can we overcome ignorance and meet our obligation to remember.
The words of Elie Wiesel, survivor of the Holocaust, author, teacher, Nobel laureate, voice of the witness and moral compass for humanity, echo as Jewish people face an unparalleled wave of discrimination. His speech for the first International Holocaust Remembrance program at the General Assembly of the United Nations January, 2005 remains as relevant today as ever.
There is no better resource for reminding us of the importance of memory than to reflect on his voice and message for us today.
We must all bear witness.
Now, more than ever, we are hearing just how much ignorance there is about the Holocaust. Distortion of facts are becoming the norm, and admiration for Nazis and Hitler are on the rise.
Please use this resource in team meetings or in a personal capacity to explore elements of the lessons of memory and humanity, and in fulfilment of our personal obligation to remember and ensure history is not denied, distorted or erased.
- What was unique about the Holocaust as a genocide?
- What motivated common individuals, academics or committed public servants to enable or excuse the horrors of the Holocaust committed on fellow humans?
- What can we do as individuals to increase understanding and respect for the Holocaust experience as a lesson for humanity?
- How can we thwart the continued denial of facts and evidence in this age of disinformation, and when fewer and fewer survivors remain to share their testimony?
- The Holocaust happened with the implied consent of many non-Jewish individuals who were perfectly happy to look the other way. What commitments can you make to call out racism, prejudice and intolerance wherever you see it?
- How can we avoid cognitive or behavioral apologetics used to increase negative perceptions of Jews on social and mainstream media, and in our educational systems?
- What role does social media and the internet play in perpetuating the sorts of falsehoods and stereotypes that led to the Holocaust? Do they make it easier for prejudice to take hold?
- How else could you utilize the lessons of the Holocaust to fight the growth of modern racism and hate of all kinds?