The Difference Between Indifference and Hate
By Elie Wiesel
"I have devoted much time to explore indifference, and again I came to a conclusion that the peril threatening human kind today is indifference even more than hatred."
Examining the themes that encouraged Elie Wiesel in his life’s mission, we can be inspired and empowered in our efforts to carry on the memory of a legend.
Elie Wiesel, in this video, shares his thoughts on indifference and hate - their definitions, their differences, their dangers, and the lessons we can learn from them.
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Let his words, life, and legacy continue to touch and inspire the hearts of others for years to come.
About the Author

Elie Wiesel, z”l, impacted the lives of all who knew him, heard him, or read his powerful writing. A survivor of the Holocaust, he became an award-winning novelist, journalist, and human rights activist. In addition to being a Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Wiesel was a teacher, a mentor, and most significantly, a witness to some of humanity’s worst ordeals. He worked tirelessly to spread the message of not staying silent, and the importance of using our voice to and remaining inspired to do more for the sake of the Jewish people and all of mankind. His devotion to the transmission of memory, hope and peace for future generations is his continuing legacy.