Healing Hearts Gift Campaign
Our hearts are with our fellow Jews everywhere that are suffering from war, despair, hate, and confusion. As a part of a special initiative, we will be distributing your messages and art of hope and healing to Israelis after the events of October 7, 2023, including soldiers on the front lines, displaced families and communities, traumatized youth, wives of soldiers on duty, and other survivors injured physically or emotionally.
Give them a piece of your heart as we help them heal theirs during this difficult time. CONTRIBUTE TODAY!

We will be providing special Healing Arts materials, as well as other items they are in need of during this time. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to embrace them through this difficult time in our nation's history and to show them they are not alone, that all of the nation of Israel shares in the hope for peace and peacefulness for everyone.
We started our Healing Arts program as a way to give hope and comfort to those individuals and communities most affected by the waves of terror attacks in Israel. Since then, the program has grown into what it is today - Healing Hearts, an international solidarity movement sharing art and positivity to all those who need it.
Send your messages of love and support, share art and give from your heart, and let us heal hearts together. SHOW YOUR AHAVAT YISRAEL!