Countering the Ripple Effect of Hate
The answer to the BDS bullies, the antisemites, jihadists, and haters in general is to strengthen ourselves from within.

Discrimination on campus has legal recourse. However, the impact of the tension, cancellations, fear is left to fester. The inevitable ripple effect of negativity continues to cascade with no logical end.
Having been exposed to the diatribe of lies by the Jew-hating masses, each Jewish student is forced to question themselves. What do I stand for?
They are put in the position we have joked around about for generations: which comes first? Being a citizen of the world, or being a Jew? Or Where Or If Israel and America were to go to war, which side would you fight on?
Forced to pick sides, many will migrate. But those who remain with Zion in their heart, they are the precious souls connected and intertwined one with the other across the four corners of the universe. They are Israel. You are Israel. We must be Israel together.
This cannot be achieved by any one organization or institution. Not by one geographical locale or another. It can only be achieved by working together. Only this way can we double, triple our impact and reach as many of Am Yisrael as possible.
The most effective way to counter the effects of the doubt, the uncertainty, the resentment aroused by the accusations against Israel and the Jewish nation is to solidify the sense of self of every one of Bnei Yisrael. To ignite an understanding of our past, our reality, our destiny that sadly includes tremendous suffering, infighting, disintegration, and destruction. But we have only survived these thousands of years because we have overcome them all and outlasted every nation that has sought to destroy us.
This is what Israel Forever is all about.
That Israel - the people, the history, the land, the state, the nation, the identity, the hope - is forever in the heart of every Jew. That we glean from our peoplehood the encouragement to follow in the path of our ancestors while learning from their mistakes.
We need your help to continue to support those on the front line, battling JewHatred wherever it arises. Please consider making a donation to Israel Forever to help us continue to make Israel personal and our next generation ZionProud.

Dr. Elana Yael Heideman, Executive Director of The Israel Forever Foundation, is a dynamic and passionate educator who works creatively and collaboratively to create Israel-inspired Jewish identity, the connection to our people and our land, and a stronger voice for future Jewish leadership.Through her involvement with numerous programs, projects and lectures, Elana continually seeks to facilitate dialogue and build bridges between the past, present and future.
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