Every Jew Can Begin Anew - Bereshit
We encourage nonreligious, unaffiliated, or conflicted Jews to start reading the parasha each week, as a renewed expression of commitment to learning Jewish history and Jewish rights as a nation in our homeland.
As an act of strength, in remembrance of all the trials and tribulations that have faced the Jewish people - as well as in celebration of our beautiful tradition - we encourage Jews of all backgrounds to return to Genesis and to reconnect with our history and the source of our identity as the Nation of Israel.
When the world once again challenges Israel’s right to exist, reading the weekly Torah portion, the parsha, is a reclamation of your story, your roots, your people and your homeland.
Together, let us return each week to our Torah, to revive our appreciation of the land of our forefathers. Together we will remember where we have come from, so with pride and courage, we can build a stronger Jewish future.
As we mourn and fight our fearsLet Every Jew Begin Anew.