

Hope from Ashdod by Sara Merson

Tags: Living Israel, Terror, Music, Israel Under Fire, Inspiration and Hope

Some frightful things that have been going on in Ashdod, Israel. This is the reality of what's going on here.

Thousands of rockets have been sent to Israel from Hamas in Gaza. Even after the "cease fire," Hamas continued to send rockets our way.

We are fortunate here to have the "Iron Dome" anti-missile system to intercept some of them, but without it, these rockets would land in heavily populated civilian areas and many would be killed.

The Israeli government and the IDF are doing all they can to protect it's citizens from the barrage of rockets coming from Gaza. I have faith in this country, its military, and its people.

Please share with your friends, and עם ישראל חי.


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Tags: Living Israel, Terror, Music, Israel Under Fire, Inspiration and Hope