Symbols of Jewish Unity Mixed Media Collage
No matter where we live or what language we speak, we all speak the international language of Judaism. Our Sabbath is on the same day, no matter the time zone. Our holidays fall on the same days, and although we may have different customs “minhagim” regarding foods, the tunes of the songs and prayers, etc, depending on our geographical locations, we are all celebrating the same holiday at the same time.

This activity was designed to shine light on the Jewish symbols that unite us and connect us to each other, our legacy and our ancestral homeland - Israel.
This activity is developmentally appropriate for ALL AGES and levels of ability: toddlers to teens to elderly & inclusive artists
- Watercolor paper, any size
- Copy/printing paper to print pictures and sketch designs
- Scissors
- Pencil/erasers
- Glue/glue stick
- Watercolor paints/crayons/markers/pencils
- Paintbrushes
- Drawing materials: crayons/oil pastels/markers/colored pencils/ink pens
- Below is a list of Judaic symbols and ritual objects. You can print and cut out images from our photo gallery for this project or simply use the list as inspiration for your artwork you will create.
Examples of Jewish symbols and ritual objects that unite us as a people:
- Magen David - Star of David
- Menorah
- Mezuzah
- Torah
- Yad (pointer) to read the Torah
- Siddur - prayer book
- Kippah/Yarmulke
- Talit
- Tefillin (phylacteries)
- Israeli flag
- Shabbat ritual objects: Challah, Challah Knife, Challah Cover, Candlesticks, Kiddush Cup
- Pesach ritual objects: Seder plate, Matzah Plate, Matzah Cover, Kos Eliyahu (Elijah’s Wine Cup)
- Sukkot: Lulav, Etrog, Sukkah
- Simchat Torah: Torah, Torah flags/Israeli Flags
- Chanukah: Chanukiah, Dreidels, Chanukah gelt, Sufganiyot, Candles, Oil pitcher
- Tu B’shvat: Seven Species, trees
- Rosh Hashanah: Shofar, honey / dates, pomegranates, apples - On your sketch paper, sketch tentative ideas for the layout of your design.
- Place your watercolor paper in the direction you want your final image to be: either horizontal, vertical, or even diagonal.
- Since this is Mixed Media, you are free to use a mixture of both cut out photos and/or hand drawn items, as well as any embellishments you want to add.
- If you have cut out printed images or have chosen any other objects to use in your artwork, begin placing them around the watercolor page until you feel comfortable and pleased with the layout.
- Once all the images are placed to your liking, begin gluing them down.
- Let glue dry.
- Use your drawing materials and/or watercolor paints to decorate the page with designs, shapes, hand drawn symbols or words expressing how & why these symbols express Jewish & Zionist unity for you and your family.
- Sign your artwork with your name and date
Always remember there are no mistakes in art! You, as the artist, have the freedom to create your symbols of Jewish Unity artwork however you please.
If you would like to share your artwork with our global population, please email
Have your artwork featured in our online Israel in My Art gallery! Sign your artwork with your first name and last initial and email it to
Painting as a part of a class or art group? Send us your selfies and group pics for a shoutout throughout our global Jewish community who loves sharing the Israel connection with their fellow Virtual Citizens of Israel around the world. Follow us social media and you can either post your pic online and tag us in your post or email it directly to
Help your students find unique ways you to incorporate the Israeli flag and the flag of the country in which you reside into your drawings as well, so that the world can see the vast number of nationalities of our IFF artists!

Stefanie Jo Heideman, founder of Art Escapades, is an art educator who believes that art is not supposed to be competitive, but rather a peaceful, relaxing experience for one to engage in and enjoy. As the Arts and Education Specialist for Israel Forever, Stefie is able to weave her love of Israel into her projects and lesson plans for individuals of all ages and stages of life.
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