In partnership with the Israel Parks and Nature Authority and the Israel Nature and Heritage Foundation, we are proud to offer you the opportunity to adopt a park in Israel in conjunction with a school in Israel. This educational initiative is designed to enhance awareness of the immediate natural environment, heritage, and landscape among groups whose socio-economic situation does not allow them to participate in educational activities for this purpose.
Tailored to economically disadvantaged children in the peripheral areas and on the confrontation line, as well as to educational frameworks for people with disabilities, both Jewish and Arab children take part in a defined series of trips that help students get to know the treasures of nature that surround them in the land of Israel.
Your contribution to Israel Forever for this collaborative will be earmarked exclusively for this program, to encourage the creation of a bond between the participants and their local environment, and to create future citizens who are aware and involved in protecting nature and heritage in Israel.
Every donor, sponsoring school or community is effectively exercising their responsibility as a Virtual Citizen of Israel.
The total amount for adopting a park for one year, which includes guided lessons in class and three field trips, is NIS 12,000. The budgetary framework for each trip is NIS 4,000 (about $1,000). This sum covers educator costs, bus transportation, security guard and entrance fees to sites.
Sponsor a day of cleaning an open area in Israel in partnership with the Beautiful Land Initiative. Sponsorship can be in honor of a bar or bat mitzvah, an activity for a local group in Israel or a visiting group or family.
This initiative is a good way to encourage the next generations to be good custodians of the land. Our land is the Holy Land and taking personal responsibility for keeping her clean is a good way to convey the love and reverence with which our land should be treated.