Boost Your Tehina
By Judi Felber

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Tehina is not just lowly sesame paste. Be creative! Add the unusual for a fantastic taste.
The typical tehina recipe is: start with sesame paste and add water, crushed garlic, lemon juice, salt, and spices to taste. Go to any Middle Eastern market and you’ll find a variety of sesame pastes to start with. Here are some variations on the theme. Be creative!
Try adding pumpkin puree to give it a fall feeling.
Adding crushed beets adds a color that is hard to beat.
Add honey, silan (date syrup), pomegranate syrup, or maple syrup to make it sweet like halva.
Substitute yogurt for water to give a creamy flavor.
BeTeavon and ENJOY!
More recipes to go along with hummus
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About the Author

Judi Felber is a creative writer, editor, educator and development expert who made Aliyah with her family in 2006 at the start of the Second Lebanon War. Combining her strong communication and critical thinking skills with a deep love of Israel, Judi is the Communications Coordinator at Israel Forever.