
Reading Israel

Tags: Books, Zionism


by David Brog

No history is so disputed as the history of Israel. Some see Israel's creation as a dramatic act of justice for the Jewish people. Others insist that it was a crime against Palestine's Arabs.

Author David Brog untangles the facts from the myths to reveal the truth about the Arab-Israeli conflict. In Reclaiming Israel's History you'll learn how the Jewish people have maintained a continual presence in the Land of Israel for over 3,000 years—despite centuries of Roman, Byzantine, and Muslim persecution; how the Romans invented the word "Palestine" as a way to sever the connection between the Jewish people and their land (and how subsequent conquerors doubled down on this strategy); how modern Jewish immigration to Palestine did not displace Arabs but instead sparked an Arab population boom; and the largely untold story of how the leader of Palestine's Arabs collaborated with the Nazis to murder Jews in Europe before they could reach their ancestral homeland. You'll also learn why most of Palestine's Arabs never identified themselves as "Palestinians" until after the 1967 War; the extraordinary lengths to which Israel's military goes to protect Palestinian civilians (and the high price Israel's soldiers pay for this morality), and how the Palestinians have on separate occasions rejected Israel's offers of a Palestinian state in virtually all of the West Bank and Gaza.

Brog frankly admits to Israel's "sins both large and small," but notes that in any fair-minded analysis these have been far out- weighed by Israel's commitment to Western values, including freedom, democracy, and human rights. Honest, provocative, and timely, especially given rising anti-Semitism and the aggressive delegitimization of Israel, David Brog's Reclaiming Israel's History is the book for every reader who wants to understand what is really happening in the Middle East.

One of the greatest threats to Israel today is the spread of a false narrative claiming that Israel is an oppressor, an occupier, and the obstacle to peace. These lies are dangerous—they inspire terrorists to murder and doom the prospects of peace. David Brog's important new book, Reclaiming Israel's History, tells Israel’s story in a way that dissects and destroys these lies. Anyone interested in defending Israel must read this book.



  1. There are countless books on Israel’s history. What makes this one unique?
  2. Do you feel that understanding Israel's history is vital for achieving a true peace based on truth?
  • The popular conception in the media is that the Jews of Israel are "settlers" who entered a land inhabited by another people. Yet the religious history of the world's three major religions records that Jews are actually the indigenous population of Israel. How did the lies of Israel’s enemies take hold and why have they been so difficult to root out?
  1. How did Arab refusal to allow Jewish immigration into Palestine before WWII forced Nazi Germany to resort to the Final Solution?
  2. The invention of the "Palestinians" has been arguably one of the world's greatest marketing success stories. Do Jews have anything to learn from that about the importance of telling Israel's story from the point of view of an underdog?
  3. The myth of the perfect Israel has been supplanted by a far more deleterious myth: the myth of the evil Israel. Why has the truth been so easily supplanted by the myth? Can one book make a difference in curbing that growing trend?
  4. Brog writes “. . . anti-Semites rarely recognize their motive. Anti-Semites never criticize Jews simply for being Jewish. They always criticize Jews for some alleged crime or offense” (xxvi). Is that, in effect, saying that those who do criticize Israel are in all likelihood anti-Semitic?
  5. Brog highlights these aspects about Israel’s history as crucial to the factual representation of Israel’s legitimate rights: The Jewish people have maintained a continual presence in the Land of Israel for over 3,000 years-despite centuries of persecution; why most of Palestine's Arabs never identified themselves as "Palestinians" until after the 1967 War; the extraordinary lengths to which Israel's military goes to protect Palestinian civilians, and how the Palestinians have on separate occasions rejected Israel's offers of a Palestinian state in virtually all of the West Bank and Gaza.

Discuss what you believe is the most essential methods to protecting historical truth.


"David Brog has written a history of the State of Israel that tells . If you are a friend of the truth as well, Reclaiming Israel's History is required reading to effectively defend and stand with Israel. The truth shall set you free." — G. Beck

"Israel's inspirational story contains all that is needed to thoroughly debunk the most widespread anti-Israel myths. A very informative, unbiased read, by a highly educated writer." - S. Martin

"David Brog provides a convincing defense of modern Israel by surveying the nation’s history and by examining its actions. The book comes across as an astonishingly honest presentation that openly acknowledges Israel’s past mistakes. Very well written." - R. Hart

"Brog's book not only chronicles the 3400 year history of Israel in the land, but also the very recent development of the concept of an Arab Palestinian nationality. He also follows Israel's efforts to establish a peaceful coexistence and the Arab's documented inability to do so. This is a view which you will not get from the Arabs, the news media or anywhere for that matter. But one that is none the less very accurate." - E Grosse

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Tags: Books, Zionism

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