The Case for Israel, by Alan Dershowitz, was published in 2003 as a response to common criticisms of Israel. Dershowitz has been one of the world’s most prominent lawyers and staunchest defenders of Israel for decades. In this book, he presents 32 arguments against Israel and the facts and evidence to disprove them. The popular topics examined are relevant to this day, including the Palestinian refugee issue, divestment from Israel, the two-state solution, and the road to peace. The book, a New York Times bestseller, is widely considered well-researched, thorough, and conclusive, and a valuable text for anyone interested in the Middle East conflict, learning the truth, and supporting Israel.

"Overwhelming . . . a must-read for American Jews, particularly those on college campuses who have no inkling of how to counter the massive verbal assault on Israel. . . . A profound contribution to a country now in dire straits." –Jerusalem Post
"A lively, hotly argued broadside against Israel’s increasingly venomous critics." –Washington Post Book World
"Passionately argued . . . revealing and persuasive." –The Times (London)
"Dershowitz . . . knows how to construct an argument. . . . Especially effective at pointing to the hypocrisy of many of Israel’s critics." –New York Times Book Review
- Why do you think the international media has routinely spread lies about Israel?
- Why do people tend to believe the false accusations leveled against Israel without doing further research?
- What is the most significant or widespread lie told about Israel today? How can you help share the truth?
- Can one who argues that Israel, the Jewish state, has no right to exist, but is perfectly fine with the existence of all other countries, be considered Antisemitic?
- Why do you think Israel singled out as the world’s prime human rights violator, despite the substantial amount of reports and evidence to the contrary?
- Dershowitz offers some theories as to why there are so many Jews who oppose Israel. Why do you think this is the case? What makes anti-Israel Jews the same or different from other anti-Israel Antisemites?
- Dershowitz disproves 32 separate arguments against Israel with facts and supporting evidence. Yet the international community, international leadership, and others all around the globe continue to make false accusations against Israel. Why do you think the facts are so often ignored? Why do you think these accusations persist when the truth against them is available?
- The book argues that the Palestinians have rejected every reasonable offer made by Israel for peace, and that Israel’s attempts at peace are instead met with increased terror. Given these facts, what do you feel is the best plan for peace?
- Which arguments and supporting evidence in this book most surprised you? How do you feel this book better prepares you to defend Israel against her accusers and detractors?
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