Colors of Jerusalem Stone

Jerusalem stone has a beautiful array of colors that range from beige, pink, gold, and tawny brown. In this activity, create a personal cornerstone to match the colors and textures of a real stone from the walls of the city.
Note: this is something optional that can be done either as the background of another cornerstone activity or as an activity by itself. If adding a quote or design to your stone, we recommend sketching your design before adding the paint.
Supplies Needed:
- Poster board, cardboard, or paper (or other material to use as a base) of any size cut into rectangular shapes
- Pencils, scissors, etc.
- Paints in various colors and the appropriate painting supplies: bowls for paint distribution, water buckets, paper towels, sponges, etc.
Cut your base to whatever size rectangle you want. If desired, lightly sketch a quote, scene, and/or other design onto your piece.
Sponge paint your cornerstone to get the look and “texture” of Jerusalem stone. Mix brown and white paint together for a base color, and add touches of yellow or pink as you’d like.
Let dry before working on any embellishment or other design.
For full instructions and other ideas of how to create a unique Jerusalem cornerstone, download the full activity PDF.