By Harley Feldman
Shalom fellow Virtual Citizens of Israel,
Israel Forever has opened my eyes to our obligation as Jews of the Diaspora to maintain a strong connection to Israel. My relationship with Israel has definitely deepened after living here for two months, but I have been concerned about how I will stay connected when I go back to America.
Truthfully, as much as I want to, it is a challenge to keep Israel on my mind when I am not there. I think we can all agree that there is a feeling about the Israeli culture that draws you in, but how do you keep in touch with that same feeling in the Diaspora?
Fortunately, you and I are all Virtual Citizens of Israel.
As proud VCIs, we accept the challenge of fighting to make Israel a part of our lives. We are able to create our own unique and personal connection to Israel. For me, the articles I read, the questions that keep me thinking, and the topics that are available for discussing with friends keep me involved in Israeli life. Being a VCI, I feel like I actively affirm my commitment to supporting the existence of a Jewish State.

I have now become less worried about losing my connection to Israel. Israel Forever provides strong educational resources for VCIs, but it is our job to take advantage of those resources to benefit ourselves and the future of Israel.
I have shared my reasons with you as to why I am a VCI, now we would like to learn about yours.
Why are you a Virtual Citizen of Israel? How does it make you feel? Most importantly, why does it matter?
Your answers deserve to be shared with our proud Jewish community of Israel-lovers.
Share from your heart, and encourage others who want to deepen their relationship with Israel as a VCI.
YOU can help others understand the power of this feeling of belonging and pride.
Together, our voices can make a difference.
NEED SOME INSPIRATION? Answer any of these questions - in writing, on video, in a song, or come up with your own creative expression of your VCI pride!
- What inspired you to become a VCI? How did it make you feel to receive your certificate of recognition?
- What does being a VCI mean to you?
- How has the VCI connection strengthened your pride as a pro-Israel Jew?
- How has being a VCI enriched your personal engagement with Israel?
- What are your favorite ways to express yourself as a VCI?
- How can the VCI movement aid the struggles facing the Jewish world in today’s highly charged social and political atmosphere?
- What do you think a VCI can do to spread the importance of the personalized Israel connection in a deeper and more effective way?
- Why do you think others should become a VCI?
- Don’t forget! Send us a photo of you with your Proud to be a VCI Flag