What is VCI?
A Virtual Citizen of Israel is someone who wishes to be publicly recognized as a part of this special Israel Forever Foundation Initiative and actualize their solidarity with Israel through meaningful and tangible engagement and personal activism.

Why should I become a Virtual Citizen of Israel™?
As a member of the Nation of Israel you have a special connection with Israel, no matter where in the world you live.
Declaring your pride as a Virtual Citizen of Israel™ affirms and facilitates the deepening of your connection to our ancestral homeland, reinforcing your commitment to the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish democratic state.
Becoming a VCI enables you to connect with and identify as a member of the global community dedicated to the concept, history and reality of Israel.
Why is VCI important?
The Israel Forever VCI Initiative is a solution to the over-politicization of Israel engagement. Being a VCI offers the Nation of Israel a way to unite in a non-political way, through the declaration of shared pride and commitment to the Jewish State of Israel.
Being a VCI is about fulfilling your values through deepening your own connection, helping to build it within your personal community, and the global community at-large that may have very different backgrounds or political leanings, but can all agree on the importance of ensuring that Israel is FOREVER.
Israel Forever fosters unique ways to create your own connections through the materials you read on our blog, the activities we offer, the people you connect with via our activities and social media platforms and special VCI benefits.
How can I become a Virtual Citizen of Israel™?
Becoming a Virtual Citizen of Israel™ is easy and free! Just click here!
For your security, your personal information is encrypted and stored within our database. For more information regarding our Privacy, Security and Terms of Service, please click here.
I am already a citizen of Israel – can I become a VCI?
Yes! Your voice is important to help deepen the connections between Am Yisrael in Israel and around the world.
I am not Jewish – can I become a VCI?
We deeply respect and appreciate our non-Jewish friends. This program was developed specifically for the Jewish community but should you desire to join us we are happy to receive your solidarity and support.
VCI Benefits
It’s personal - the benefit of becoming a Virtual Citizen of Israel™ is first and foremost a personal one, offering you a method to actualize your connection to Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael and display your commitment to make a difference for the sake of Israel.
VCI rewards – Our VCI vendors offer special discounts for VCI’s. This is a win-win situation. Need to buy a gift? Want something nice for yourself? Every time you make a purchase you will not only be receiving a discount, but you will also be supporting Israeli businesses and Jewish initiatives! Learn more and sign up at https://israelforever.org/vci/rewards/
IMPORTANT: A Virtual Citizen of Israel™ is not recognized by the Israeli government as a form of Aliyah. It does not allot any physical or material benefits from or related to the State of Israel. There are no tax benefits nor can a VCI vote in the Israeli elections.
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