


Where do you look for your news about Israel? Stop relying only on the mainstream or Google. Read a variety of articles to develop a broad understanding of the issues. Share informative pieces with your friends, family and colleagues to aid their awareness of the many issues facing the nation of Israel today.

Trusted News Sources
Here is our list of sources you can turn to to expand your understanding of the news. The list represents a wide range of political and religious perspectives, all of which can be incorporated into your efforts to have a well-rounded appreciation of the issues and facts that are relevant to Jewish life and identity, Israel and everything that connects us.

JNS               Jpost            Ynet             IsraelHayom           Arutz7         

Honest Reporting            Camera            Memri          Haaretz              Palestinian Media Watch

Confused about the issues? There are many ways you can stay informed and involved! 

"Dear Lone Soldiers" from campers at URJ Camp Harlam
"Fight or Flight" - What Should Pro-Israel Students Choose?
"How Can You Defend Israel?"

"How Can You Defend Israel?"

The Huffington Post

#BringBackOurBoys DC Vigil for #EyalGiladNaftali

#BringBackOurBoys DC Vigil for #EyalGiladNaftali

The Israel Forever Foundation

'Lost Jews' Of Colombia Say They've Found Their Roots
1 Million Signatures for Balfour: Herzl's Legacy Coming to Life
10 Commandments of Jewish Heritage
10 Female Founders To Watch Of Israel
10 Gorgeous Reasons to Visit Israel in 2015
10 Israeli Technologies That Are Changing The World
10 Years Later - How BDS Became the Politically Correct Way to Delegitimize Israel
10 Years Later: Looking Up at Ilan Ramon
Rio Olympics 2016 Israel
38 Female IAF Pilots Shatter the Glass Firmament
5 Photos of IDF Training That Will Leave You Speechless
63% of Children Near Gaza Suffering from PTSD
75 Years after Historic Biltmore Conference, The American Zionist Movement Launches “Year of Zionist Anniversaries”
A Ferrari On The Streets Of Jerusalem
A Jewish Revolt, the Romans and Modern Israel
A Knight in Shushan with Israel Forever - March 8, 2012
A Melting Pot: Exploring The Cultures And Cuisines Of Israel
A Nazi’s Son In The IDF – An Amazing Story And Interview
A Reminder: Israel is a Jewish State
A Tu B’Shevat Seder - Emphasizing the Israel Connection
A birthday party for a hero: Ohad Ben-Yishai
Ahead Of New Year, Israel's Population Surpasses 8 Million
Alan Dershowitz Accepts Honorary Chairmanship of Virtual Citizens of Israel of The Israel Forever Foundation
Albert Einstein's Writings Online
An Idiot's Guide To Chanukah
An inscribed pomegranate from Temple period found in Jerusalem, written about in Bible
An officer and a Muslim Zionist
Ancient Judean coins going to NY auction
Announcing the 2016 Institute for Law and Policy at the Hebrew University Faculty of Law
Answering a different call: Americans who fight for Israel
Appreciation to Indians for Israel

Appreciation to Indians for Israel

Israel National News

Ararat: Evidence of the Jewish Dream of Freedom
Ari Fruchter’s New Dead Sea Project
Arik Einstein’s release "Now That You Are Here" in honor of Gilad Shalit
At Rutgers, A Colorful Way To Support Israel
Belgrade Bloggers Enamored With Israel
Ben Gurion University Researcher Talks Possible Diabetes Cure
Best Cholent Ever for Shabbat?
Beta Israel: Snapshots Of The Ethiopian Jewish Community
Bezalel Grants Artist Diploma, 70 Years Late
Bnei Akiva Celebrates 'Green' And Safe Lag Ba'Omer In Israel
Born To Be a Sabra
Bravery: Lone Soldier that Survived Cancer Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant
Bringing Israel to Life at CES JDS 5th Grade Israel Day
Bringing The Spice Of Netivot To Philly
Bus-Stop Books: Israel's Newest Public Library
Campers at JCC of Greater Washington Send Thank You Letters to IDF Lone Soldiers
Carrying The Torch: Yom HaAtzmaut March of the Living Celebration
ChanukahGiving: Showing Thanks To Our Modern Day Maccabees
Chinese olim have Golani Brigade in their sights
Claire Danes on Conan: Tel Aviv is "...the most intense party town..."
Cooking With the Spices of Israel
Crossing Generations And Oceans To Enlist For A Zionist Cause
Cycling Out Cancer

Cycling Out Cancer

Washington Jewish Week

Daroff's @ Tribefest 2012
David Conquers Goliath, Again! Elah Valley Saved from Oil Shale Extraction
Defend Israel Even if the Cost is Jewish Unity
Deputy Foreign Minister, Danny Ayalon, "Just One Minute" Campaign
Dramatic Pictures From The Early Days Of Israel
Drawings from Across Country Fulfill Fallen Soldier's Final Wish
Egyptian Armor Pounded By Israelis
Energy does grow on trees, thanks to Israeli engineers
Fading Traditions
First African-Born Woman in Israeli Parliament Is Making Waves
Flag Over The Ghetto

Flag Over The Ghetto

Israel Hayom

Flying Two Flags
For Bourekas, Shape Matters

For Bourekas, Shape Matters

Tablet Magazine

For Synagogues Throughout the World: Remembering Israel On Yom Kippur
Founder of cancer-fighting organization visits campus during bike trip across country
Fresh, Flavorful Israeli Salads

Fresh, Flavorful Israeli Salads

The Wall Street Journal

From L.A. Surfer Girl To A Lone Soldier
From Nazareth Illit To The White House
From ‘Bring Back Our Boys’ to ‘Unity Day’
Getting a New Perspective on Jewish Holidays - Through the Eyes of a Child
Ghosts Laid to Rest as Hitler’s Berlin Stadium Hosts Jewish Games
Gil Troy Discusses Why He Is a Zionist
Hanukkah in Israel Inspired by the Maccabees
Happy Birthday Israel - Shining Bright For 65 years
Hasidic Chakra: Couple Introduces Yoga to Israel's Ultra-Orthodox
Helping Our Soldiers #BringBackOurBoys IDF Search Party Food Collections in Jerusalem
Holiday Is Not Necessarily Lonely For Lone Soldiers
How Israel Prevented a Rosh HaShanah War
How The Technion Does A Menorah Lighting
How To Talk About Israel?
I need Israel very much. And so do you.
IDF Takes You On a Guided Tour of Terror Tunnel
Identifying A Nation Through Its Memorial Day
If I Were Israeli…

If I Were Israeli…

Times of Israel

Illuminating Jewish Life in a Muslim Empire
Implementing The Balfour Declaration
In Defense of Israel - Ron Prosor at the UN
In The Start-Up Nation, A Growing Trend of Corporate Giving
International Students to Convene in Jerusalem to Explore Legal Aspects of Human Rights and International Law