

Making a Difference #IsraelUnderFire

Tags: Solidarity, Activism, Make a Difference, Take Action

Operation Swords of Iron began at 6:30 AM Saturday, October 7th, 2023 and since then many are searching for a way to cope, and to do something to face this nightmare. This terrorist war on Israel and the Jewish nation is beyond comprehension.

Despite these terrible and dark times, we find ourselves searching for ways to stay positive and be a part of the fighting spirit that has allowed our people to survive these thousands of years. We will prevail. To help make a difference, we have compiled a list of opportunities for people to join alongside the Jewish people and fight to end this war, together from wherever we may be in the world.

The Good Things We Can Do to Stay Positive and Help Make a Difference

  • Organize or participate in community event in your hometown. It can be a public solidarity rally, or a small gathering of people invited to share how they are coping, and to feel a sense of belonging with Israel.
  • Create a feeling of unity and community, talking openly about the importance of Israel to Jewish life and identity with intergenerational groups. Perhaps make a family visit to a local Jewish elderly home and listen to the stories of the older generation who are also struggling to understand why Israel is under attack.
  • Contact your local politicians and media outlets and spread the messages of Israel’s truth. Emphasize that Jewish Rights Matter and that ending this war on Israel requires stopping the spread of Jewhatred and lies about Israel. You can identify yourself as a proud Virtual Citizen of Israel and help recruit others in your community to join the effort.
  • Post on your social media platforms to inform your followers of the factual and devastating impacts of terrorism that the State of Israel is undergoing. There are social media and news outlets that are not depicting this war on Israel truthfully or accurately.
  • Write letters to soldiers and messages of love to help keep their spirits up and let them know that we greatly appreciate their efforts.
  • Learn a new Hebrew song or a few words in Hebrew to help you feel connected.
  • Pray and recite Tehillim for the safety of our brave soldiers, the citizens of Israel, and the entire Jewish Nation.
  • Print and display your Virtual Citizen of Israel flag proudly - in the window of your home, your office, your car.
  • Donate to Israeli efforts for trauma treatment.

And, of course, hug your own kids a little tighter and show them how much you love them, as you raise them with an awareness of our Jewish unity and a love for our Jewish State.

More ways to get involved

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Tags: Solidarity, Activism, Make a Difference, Take Action