

Declaration Day: Our Vision

Tags: Jewish Identity, Jewish Unity, Inspiration and Hope, VCI, Community

The spirit of Israel lives through us, brought to us from thousands of years of ancestry, tradition, identity. We cherish the opportunity to publicly express our connection as an ancient nation, to proclaim to others our determination and pride with our celebration. We purposely chose the May 14 date, which was the English date of the proclamation of Israel's Declaration of Independence, to commemorate Declaration Day.

We are denoting the secular date to reaffirm Israel's independence and acceptance into and by the family of nations, and hope to establish this date as an annual international recognition of Israel's legal rights and freedom. In addition, holding our commemoration on May 14 each year will minimize competing with many Jewish events which take place on the 5th of Iyar.

We want to reach out to those who are hesitant to join in the dance. Those without celebrations to attend, communities they feel comfortable in, and issues of controversy they seek to avoid in these challenging times. Even more, we wish to encourage everyone who is feeling ambivalent about celebrating Israel when they may disagree with certain policies, behaviors, or views of Israeli leaders today or in history. It is today that, more than ever, we want to celebrate the ways we can overcome our differences and recognize the miracle of our ancestral history, heritage and homeland with support and gratitude for the status it gives Jews all over the world. Our identification should not be tied to any specific government or policies, just like a parent loves a child forever, no matter what his or her life choices at any given stage.

What benefit do we all get by knowing that there are thousands of people across the world sharing the same experience/who can access the program at their own convenience? This innovative program is aimed to give voice to the thread of connection the Jewish people have shared for thousands of years, recognizing that it is up to each one of us individually to ensure that our homes are filled with appreciation for what it means to be able to share that connection today, wherever we live in the world.

Wait till you see what we've got lined up! Showcasing great performers, presenters and presentations, this 36 hour virtual event will be rich with original programming, focused on various aspects of our shared birthright as the Nation of Israel, as Virtual Citizens of Israel. Segments of the program include music, discussion and activities for all ages: kids, young adults, parents, empty nesters, retirees, young professionals, singles and young couples, and family or community engagement components that any community can use or access for their own programming to reaffirm Israel's rights and freedom.

As recognized Virtual Citizens of Israel, participants in the program will be eligible to win exclusive benefits and rewards, as well as access to unique shows and presentations from around the world. For all involved it will be a welcome respite from the constant verbal and physical attacks against our people and an opportunity to join together with our friends and supporters and revel in all that Israel has accomplished and all that she contributes to humanity.

Our people achieved the miraculous, re-establishing the Jewish State and it is now possible to publicly celebrate our Jewish identity in one of the most important cities in the world. Less than 100 years ago this was unimaginable. A thousand years ago, the dream was a beacon of light carrying us from the past to the present. And in a thousand more years, we, the eternal people, Am HaNetzach, must know that we have protected Jewish history, rights, and destiny to outlast every challenge to our survival.

With over half a million subscribers from around the world, and organizational partnerships established over a decade of Israel and Jewish engagement, Israel Forever’s initiative demonstrates that there are indeed core values that can prevent our people from being torn apart by the divisive elements of political and social upheaval.

Declaration Day has the potential to be the ultimate virtual engagement of our Jewish people coming together for celebration, in hope and in unity. A unique approach to celebrating the miracle and rebirth of the State of Israel in our ancestral homeland, this virtual global celebration of Jewish unity empowered by Declaration Day will enable as many people as possible around the world to be a part of changing the narrative in a positive and proactive way so that we are all actively fulfilling the destiny we share.

Let us build the unity we dream to see.
Join us in reaffirming Israel's rights, independence, and freedom.


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Tags: Jewish Identity, Jewish Unity, Inspiration and Hope, VCI, Community