

Magen David Adom was founded (1915)

June 6, 2029
2029-06-06 00:00:00 2029-06-06 00:00:00 America/New_York Magen David Adom was founded (1915) In 1915 the concept of "Magen David Adom" was conceived in Switzerland as an association to help the wounded and Jewish prisoners during World War I. Please refer to event page
Summary: In 1915 the concept of "Magen David Adom" was conceived in Switzerland as an association to help the wounded and Jewish prisoners during World War I.

In 1915 the concept of "Magen David Adom" was conceived in Switzerland as an association to help the wounded and Jewish prisoners during World War I. In 1918 the organization had branches established in North America, Canada, England and Tel Aviv. With the ending of the First World War, also the Magen David Adom was dismantled until 1929 with the arab riots against Jews in Israel. During the thirties new branches were opened in Haifa and Jerusalem.

With the end of World War II in 1946 and the end of the Nazi occupation, Magen David Adom support units, doctors and nurses were sent to European countries to treat the surviving Jews in these countries.

Since 1950 the Magen David Adom rescue organization was legally recognized as the Israel's national emergency service and medical assistance, disaster and ambulance service, as well as blood bank.