Making a Difference #BringBackOurBoys
By Micki Lavin-Pell
Since Naftali, Gil Ad and Eyal were kidnapped more than a week ago, Jews the world over are fraught with a mixture of feelings over this terrifying incident. In Israel it is a conversation that we can hardly move away from as it constantly consumes our minds.

The thought that mere teenagers have been kidnapped as a political move on the part of terrorists is something that terrifies us on many levels. It raises all sorts of challenging feelings - from rage and anger towards the kidnappers and terrorists involved, to fear and terror over the whereabouts of the boys, a mixture of sadness for what the parent’s families must go through and also admiration and awe for how they appear to be holding up in the eye of the media. Not to mention, our concern and appreciations towards the soldiers and intelligence bodies who are putting their lives on the line to find the boys as well.
It has been challenging to keep our emotions in check as we search news, and social media sites for information about the efforts to retrieve Naftali, Gil Ad and Eyal. It is really difficult not to get caught up in our negative feelings and play the blame game. I am really trying to stay positive and not get caught up in my own anger about the situation...
Being that the best thing we can do is keep a positive outlook lest we get swallowed up in a sea of negativity, I thought it might be an idea to compile a list of things we could all do, both here in Israel as well as abroad to keep all of our spirits up, stay positive, and try to make a difference.
The Good Things We Can Do to Stay Positive and Help Make a Difference
-- Organize or participate in a solidarity rally or a community event in your hometown where people are invited to share and feel a sense of belonging with Israel. As the news begins to fade from the headlines, it is up to us to make sure the awareness efforts continue.
-- Do a good deed. Sign Up for a Mitzvah for the Israeli Students Here. Even if you are not religious, we all know the power of positive actions.
-- When you perform any mitzvah - hafrashat challah, light Shabbat candle, attend a rally or community gathering, or even just offer an act of kindness to someone else - say an extra prayer for the safe return of the boys. There is a great power in personal prayer.
Print and Display your Virtual Citizen of Israel flag proudly - in the window of your home, your office, your car.
-- Spread this important campaign to friends and around your community and encourage them to become proud Virtual Citizens of Israel, too!
-- Do whatever you can to create feelings of unity and community, talking openly about the importance of Israel to Jewish life and identity
-- Contact your local politicians and inspire them to get activated in helping to rescue the boys from their end. Or sign a petition requesting the US government demand the release of the kidnapped teens.
-- Write letters to soldiers to help keep their spirits up and let them know that we greatly appreciate their efforts.

-- Pray and recite Tehilim for the boys safe return and for the safety of the chayalim
-- For those in Israel, you can offer help to the families of the missing boys themselves: help with tasks, or help out with their kids, make or send meals, or just stop by one of the solidarity tents and show your support. And anyone can send them a message of support to help them know how much we stand by them!
-- For those from abroad, donate money to Help The Soldiers Help Our Boys or Project Give Back or Connections Israel which provide food and supplies for the soldiers
-- Purchase a #Bringbackourboys tee shirt from NU Campaign or TeeSpring to both donate to the IDF as well as raise awareness
-- Learn a new Hebrew song or a few words in Hebrew to help you feel connected.
And, of course, Hug your own kids a little tighter and show them how much you love them, as you raise them with an awareness of our Jewish unity and a love for our Jewish State.
Micki Lavin-Pell is a Marriage Therapist and Relationship Coach. She works with people to create more positive and healthy relationships. She can be reached on her website: