Protecting Israel in the Courts: “The Hague Odyssey"

The most-recognized contemporary images of Israel are ones of a country plagued by terrorism and conflict. The historical narrative has been changed so drastically in the past 2 decades that the victims of this conflict have been portrayed as the oppressors: Israel and Israelis have become the target of media attacks while socially, culturally, academically and economically ostracized by those who claim to fight in the name of human rights. Politics aside, the human rights of those living within the Jewish State repeatedly targeted by terror, however, are primarily ignored.
For these and other reasons, it is so important for us to recognize when a book comes out that can delineate the process and challenges faced in Israel’s fight for self-defense after decade upon decade of ongoing terrorist attacks. “The Hague Odyssey: Israel's Struggle for Security on the Front Lines of Terrorism and Her Battle for Justice at the United Nations” is one of those books and we are proud to be a part of sharing this with the world. We are even more proud of our relationship with its author, Richard D. Heideman.

For those who may not know, Richard Heideman is also the co-founder and chair of The Israel Forever Foundation. A noted international attorney and advocate for victims of terrorism, Richard has served as a leader in the Jewish world for nearly 50 years since his early days in the Aleph Zadek Aleph (AZA) of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO). Even then, Israel was a large part of his Jewish identity, and a cause for which he raised awareness in the early years of her existence.
Together with his wife, Phyllis Greenberg Heideman who is also an avid member in the Jewish community and an Israel advocate since her early days in B’nai B’rith Girls (BBG), they have been tirelessly fighting for Israel during times of war and times of peace, promoting the values of a positive relationship with the Jewish State to their daughters, their friends and their community. Their commitment to The Israel Forever Foundation is a testament to this personal connection as they continue to work tirelessly for the benefit of Israel and the Jewish People.

“Among the many challenges faced by Israel on the front lines of terrorism is the negative bias of international bodies, unfortunately including the United Nations whose responsibility is to ensure the security of free and democratic nation-states.” said Richard D. Heideman, founder of Heideman Nudelman & Kalik, PC, the Washington, D.C. law firm. “My experiences have offered me insight into these challenges while also providing a unique perspective from which we might be able to confront and defeat those who deny Israel’s right to exist, those who fund the terrorist cells, and empower suicide bombers and others who have one main goal: to murder Israelis, Jewish people and their supporters."
Based on Heideman's many years of involvement with Israeli affairs as International President of B'nai B'rith International, in the United Nations and as an attorney who filed a legal brief with the International Court of Justice. "The Hague Odyssey ” presents a compelling and insightful defense of the absolute right and obligation of the State of Israel, as every other nation, to protect her citizens and defend against the hatred, demonization and terrorism by those who seek to harm and destroy her.
"The Hague Odyssey" demonstrates how the Israeli legal system, in contrast to the ICJ is a cornerstone in protecting Israel as a State, one of the dimensions we know is essential to understanding in our pursuit of celebrating Israel.
To order your copy of The Hague Odyssey, click here.
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