Jewish Leaders Condemn Attacks in Europe

We at The Israel Forever Foundation stand with our fellow Jews around in the world in our ongoing effort to fight the demonization of the Jewish State and the Jewish people.
Danny Ayalon, Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States:
Today, Israel is fighting a smirch campaign, a delegitimization campaign against her very existence.
In order to ensure the lives of European Jews, Israel is obligated to demand denunciations from European countries over any sign of anti-Semitism, no matter how small, as well as fight against the calls to isolate Israel by way of boycotts and sanctions. Today, anti-Israel sentiments and anti-Semitism cannot be distinguished from each other.
The governments of Europe must increase security over Jewish communities and institutions in their borders, as well as investing greater resources in intelligence and counter-terrorism. Here too, Israel can provide much assistance, and wide and institutionalized cooperation is needed between Israel and European countries.
Natan Sharansky, Chairman of the Jewish Agency for Israel and former Soviet Refusenik
I am deeply distressed by yesterday's horrifying attacks against Jewish targets in Brussels and Paris. We at The Jewish Agency for Israel are investing considerable sums in helping Jewish communities across Europe—including in Belgium and France—provide for their physical security, however nothing will help so long as Europe's political and intellectual leadership refrains from declaring all-out war against the demonization of the Jewish state.
While Jews as individuals are no longer demonized in Europe as they were in previous centuries, the demonization of Israel—the collective Jew—continues to rise to new heights, creating a toxic atmosphere in which Jews live in fear and those who target them flourish. When Israel is singled out for condemnation and scorn, even as crimes against humanity and genuine humanitarian catastrophes rage throughout the Middle East and around the world, the message to those seeking a pretext to harm Jews is clear.
Until Europe declares war on the demonization of Israel, no security measure will help.
Ronald Lauder, President, World Jewish Congress
Today, the entire Jewish world mourns the four innocent victims who lost their lives in this horrible attack. Tomorrow, we must all work together to ensure that this doesn’t happen again.
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