Steimatzky Tells Israelis To Bring A Book To Bed
May 22, 2013
The bookseller’s new campaign runs across the genres

Lord Of The Rings
Well, this is probably the strangest, most compelling advertising campaign I’ve seen in a while: Steimatzky, the iconic Israeli bookstore chain founded in 1925, has issued a series of images of readers asleep in bed with their books… and the fictional—or non-fictional—protagonists of said books.
Each image in the series is accompanied by the caption in Hebrew,
“עם הספר הנכון, את/ה אף פעם לא לבד - With the right book, you’re never alone.”
Quite sweet when the reader in question is a nine-year-old girl curled up with the eponymous Pippi Longstocking, but really, really unsettling when the reader is a sixty-something man in flannel pajamas lying beside a comatose/embalmed Stalin. Yes, Stalin: friend of Jews, Israelis, and book-lovers the world over.
Sweet dreams, Israel!

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

Pippi Longstocking

Don Quixote

Credits for Creatives:
VP Creative: Tal Riven Customer Manager: Elad Hermel Creative Director: Idan Regev Copywriter: Kobi Cohen Art: Daphne Orner Flning: Noa Palm supervisor: Moore Paso Assistant: Natalie Rabinowitz Producer: Rachel Ztlawi
Read the full article here.