
Lone Soldier Blog

The Keepers Of Israel

Tags: Soldiers and Defense, Chanukah, Israel Engagement, Advocacy

By Brigitte De Kroon

Hi there everyone! I am a Granny and I live in Cape Town, South Africa.

South African Infantry

I have a son who spent 8 years of his life - straight out of high school - in the SA Army, ending his military career as a Captain and PA to the Head of the South African Infantry. After going through the basics, he applied and was accepted for the Officer's course ... and that was when the 'Fun' started - for him, and for us, his parents, at home: for the next 3 years it was theoretical and physical Go-Go-GO non-stop - on the base and in the bush.

I guess you know all about this, don't you? Plus - I'd wager to say - that things were not half as tough as, no doubt, it is for all of you in the IDF!

Most vividly among all our memories is the 'Passing-out' Endurance March for many miles seeming without end through South African semi-desert, with only the stars and a compass to guide the individual troupes of 6 young men from their dropping-off place, in the middle of the night, from nowhere back home to the base - within a stipulated time.

Does this sound familiar to you? I think so!

For the last few miles they even had to shoulder and carry a huge log of heavy wood with them - at times with an 'injured' comrade strapped to the top of it. Thomas told us afterwards how some guys just couldn't continue - but pulling out was not permitted - the others in the same troupe just had to drag, carry or pull and push their buddy along with them.

I had given Thomas a small card with a scripture verse on it: 'I can do all things through Him Who gives me the Strength' (referring to Hashem, of course) and he pinned it to the back of the guy in front of him ... and doggedly he put one foot in front of the other when his own strength had long gone... and his troupe did make it - just! This verse is Thomas' favourite to this very day.

I have shared this little story with you to encourage you - because you surely experience even much harder - and far more dangerous situations than Thomas simulated 'March through enemy country'.

You are so very brave and dedicated in your endeavors to protect Eretz Israel - and I whole-heartedly salute you all!

My prayers are always with you - when I wake in the morning and when I crawl back into my bed at night - and there are most assuredly many, many thousands of other fathers and mothers who do likewise, out here 'in the nations'.

Stay strong and courageous - The Keeper of Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps!

With much love and many hugs- from far-away Cape Town!

SHALOM - Granny-B.

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Tags: Soldiers and Defense, Chanukah, Israel Engagement, Advocacy