Imagine being a part of something that is so meaningful while changing lives and empowering Israeli youth with special needs. The participants of Swim4Sadna share in this experience, and now YOU can too!

The Israel Forever Foundation is proud to partner with Swim4Sadna to increase awareness and engagement with this amazing Inclusive Israel initiative.
The next Swim4Sadna takes place on May 24th and 25th, 2018
Swimming the Kinneret is many things: Unity building, empowering, strength to name a few. For swimmers and supporters alike, it gives us the opportunity to make a strong difference and impact for a most unique and special program for special needs youth in Israel.
Swim4Sadna is an annual women’s swim-a-thon fundraising event on behalf of Sadnat Shiluv b’Emunah. The swim-a-thon is not a race; it is a personal swimming challenge. This fun, non-competitive platform was developed to emulate the pillars of the Sadnaיs educational vision of personal empowerment, inclusion for all and giving to society.

Copyright © Laura Ben David


Make a donation to this important cause
Write Letters of Friendship to Israelis with Special Needs
Listen and Learn the words to songs about the Kinneret
Run a Swim4Sadna Swimathon in your community
Join us for a Livestream of the event and share your encouragement with the swimmers!
Every individual can make a difference! Here are some amazing stories we are proud to share!
There are so many amazing organizations to get involved with in Israel. Sadnat Shiluv is another to add to the list. Its mission is to help those with special needs integrate as fully as possible into the community. They work with those with special needs from kindergarten all the way through adulthood, giving them the tools and the encouragement to succeed in all levels of work and schooling.
Based in Gush Etzion, the Sadna is a project that encourages extremely challenged and special needs children (classified as "retarded", "autistic", "having learning disabilities", or simply "problematic") from kindergarten age until young adulthood to integrate into community life.

Our guiding principle is that a person is not defined by his needs, but rather by his ability to contribute. This principle is applied daily in learning, social activities and work and allows these challenged children to gain self-confidence and independence. It is this principle that leads to a tremendous change in behavior; they become independent and self-confident. They reach goals and are very happy.