


Dr. Elana Heideman is a Jewish identity transformational leader and Jewish rights activist. A historian, educator, writer and public speaker, Elana is Executive Director of The Israel Forever Foundation, an empowerment and engagement organization that provides experiential learning opportunities to celebrate and strengthen the personal connection and activism of Jewish People as the nation of Israel.

Purim: The Danger of Not Knowing The Difference
The Exodus 1947: A global cry for Jewish justice
Yom Yerushalayim: The Reunification of A People And A Past
Memory Of Our Fallen: A Nation Unites
The Witness Journey Experience
What is Our Role as Witness?
The Universalization and Contemporary Abuse of Holocaust History
Jewhatred: Fuel of Palestinian Violence
The Value of Night
Memory of Sighet: A Place Called Home
Remembering the Farhud and the Iraq Mizrahi Jews
7 Ways to fight Israeli Apartheid Lies
Focsani Congress of 1882: Advancing Jewish Settlement in Our Ancestral Home
From Kristallnacht to Today: Witnessing Jew Hatred rear its ugly head and what we can do about it
Finding Israel, Finding Roots on Rosh HaShanah
Cooking Israel Recipes for the Chagim
Holocaust memory continues, but knowledge is fading
United by Terror
The Trail of Inspiration
Yebreh Stuffed Grape Leaves
What do we mean when we say 'We are All Israel'?
Teaching Our Children the Pain of Memory
Contemplating 9/11 from Israel's Reality of/Battle with Terror
The Destiny of Aliyah
The Toxic Impact of BDS
Elana’s Matzoh Meat Burekas
Homemade Hazeret
Memory Leading Memory: Lessons I learned from Elie Wiesel
1944 At the Edge of The Abyss - Holocaust Memorial Program
Got Israel at Your Seder?
Sharing in the memories of the Miracle Nation
Dressed for the Occasion of  Jewish Leadership: Parashat Tetzaveh
Song of Defiance | Parashat Beshalach
Unfinished Journey: The Path to Jewish Independence
Wanderings: Diary of an Ambassador’s Journey
Words as Art: The Creative Legacy of the Scribes
Antisemitism: The Oldest Hatred Gone Viral
Kristallnacht:The Glass is Still Breaking
Appreciating the Land, One Day at a Time
Remembering Munich: Fathers, Sons, Brothers, Athletes, Israelis, Jews.
Book Review of Theodore Herzl and the foundation of the Jewish State by Shlomo Avineri
Arab-Israeli Rights: A Balfour Declaration Dilemma
Names, Memories And Legacies: The Meaning Of Exodus
Milk And Honey: A Celebration of Israel on Shavuot
Reviving the Jerusalem Cornerstone Tradition
Lighting The Spark Of Unity
When The Light Did Not Go Out
Countering the Ripple Effect of Hate
Women of Israel: Barbara Goldstein
Feeling Good About Israel
Israel, too, Deserves Our Forgiveness
The Summer of '71 Revisited
Tragedy's Legacy: Striving for Jewish Unity
What a Romance Novel Can Teach Us About Israel
How Are You a Part of Saving Israel?
Get Started Reading Israel
Rosh Chodesh Shevat: Renewing our Inspiration
#JeSuisParis or #AmYisraelChai?
What Is Your Israel Connect?
Inspiration, Innovation And Action
Social Media Mingle: Voices For Israel Engagement
Tu B’Shevat: Finding the Israel Connection
Israel After The Storm: Sunshine, Wildflowers, and History
Send a Chanukah Message to Lone Soldiers in Israel!