
Declaration Day

Inaugural Declaration Day for Israel75

Tags: Jewish Identity, Jewish Unity, Inspiration and Hope, VCI


Honoring the miracle and rebirth of the State of Israel

On the anniversary of the declaration of Israel’s independence 75 years ago, Israel Forever launched an inspirational virtual global celebration to honor the miracle of the rebirth of Israel in our ancestral homeland, the nation-state of the Jewish people.

Welcoming the diplomatic community of ambassadors and activists, Declaration Day was hosted by the legendary David Citadel Hotel for a commemoration and celebration of the significance of Israel's independence to the world.

Declaration Day in the News

On May 15th, 2023, the United Nations hosted an event marking the "Nakba," an Arabic word meaning catastrophe. Palestinians use that term to describe what happened to them when the State of Israel was born in 1948. Another meeting held in Jerusalem showed a very different view of history.

A number of ambassadors attended the Jerusalem event, including Ambassador Ava A. Arevelo de Moscoso of Guatemala, the second country after the U.S. to recognize the Jewish state in 1948. “For me, it's a pleasure, it's an honor to be here in this wonderful country because all time, the people in Guatemala learn, we learn to love this country because for us it's, it's the country of God," she said.
Azerbaijan's Ambassador to Israel, Mukhtar Mammadov, spoke on behalf of his mostly-Muslim nation. “Not coincidentally, Azerbaijan opened its embassy in Israel on the 75th year, in the independence of Israel. We believe it's an important milestone in our political relations, bilateral relations with Israel. This will give us new opportunities into widening, developing our relations in various fields.  We consider Israel as our strategic partners and want to have cooperation by all means of this word,” Mammadov said.

While it can be a struggle to present Israel's case to the U.N., [Dr. Elana] Heideman believes it's worth the effort. 


Yom HaAtzmaut is our global celebration of Israel's independence on 4 Iyar on the Jewish calendar. Declaration Day is the global recognition of Israel's rights as a member of the family of nations on May 15. But we believe that celebrating our nation, our state, our history, heritage and homeland should be a part of Jewish life every day, everywhere!

Tags: Jewish Identity, Jewish Unity, Inspiration and Hope, VCI